Sat Mar 25, 10:00 AM - Sun Mar 26, 6:30 PM


SANDISFIELD, Sandisfield, MA 01255

Community: Pittsfield


Advanced immersive for individuals + couples: access + practice responsive intimacy skillsets, communication + deep somatic self-knowledge. Don't miss the one of the best Events in Spring Field.

Event Details

Foundtaions of thriving
Deepening intimacy | harmonizing connection & power
An advanced experiential
Essential skills in connection and growth
For singles and couples

This course is for couples wanting to deepen together in your committed relationship, and for those who are single wanting to cultivate deep skillsets and self-knowledge for your next partnership.

Many courses teach to the neck up, leaving you with insights and frameworks to apply. They say ‘knowledge is power’ but it actually isn’t power until it’s applied.
We will support you to explore, experience, practice, and embody key relational skillsets, new awareness of the emotional patterns of self + other, and new ways of communicating from the deeper places that we discover.

Every day will be pivotally oriented around experientials: explorations, practices, and inquiries into the body, emotions, and relational interactions.

We work less with general 'tactics' and relationship 'advice' and more with custom direct experience. This is what transforms us. We make conscious what's unconscious, and profound changes begin.

This happens when you explore, discover and communicate what's happening in your deepest psyche, body, patterns, and soul...

Each of our histories, upbringings, and emotional patterns are unique, and all our approaches work with and honor that.

We work with somatic experiencing, tracking, contacting, accessing, deepening, and character strategies. These are the golden keys to the ‘foundations’ of real, deep, rubber-meets-the-road, forever lasting positive change.

Common issues for many couples include:
Communication and negotiation
Personal and relational boundaries
Differentiation and individuation / co-dependency
Unmet needs
Wanting to build a strong foundation
Feeling neglected or smothered by a partner
Needing a shared language + skillsets
Trauma + wounding
Sexual connection
Triggered by a partner's behaviour that doesn't seem to change
Feeling disconnected or emotionally numb to the relationship.
Cyclical conflicts
Power struggles
Skillsets you will practice + embody:
Explorative containers -becoming attuned and vulnerably communicative from your Emotional + embodied experience together, sharing what is real for you from that place.
The power of presence and co-regulated full-body listening with your partner
How to support your partner in feeling heard, by acknowledging, contacting, and inquiring into your partner’s experience.
Advanced communication skills
Curiosity over defense.
A much deeper understanding of what's happening in your deep emotions and what's happening in your partner's deep emotions, and the histories behind that.
How to meet your own deepest needs (identifying them is key), make requests based on them, and how to water and support your partner.
Apologies, requests, bringing things up, loving boundaries, bottom-lines, agreements, commitments, making repair, stitching and integration.
How to work with prayer, ritual, and intention.
Tracking growth, accurately praising specific achievements, the skillset of nurturing and celebrating growth.
What this journey will bring into your relationship and life:
The clarity to be able to see beneath the surface, identify and tangibly discover your core patterns in yourself and together.
More feelings of being deeply seen and understood.
The power, presence, and courage to relate on a more authentic level.
The safety + stability of compassionately understanding the deepest emotions within you + your partner’s system
The disarming power of speaking vulnerably from and to each other’s core wound with skillfulness and care.
Titrating conflict in conversations.
Navigating boundaries in a deeper way
Specific ways of relating and skillsets that are tailored for you and your partner.
Greater awareness
Deep healing
Self awareness, self love, nourishing relational ecology & nourishing relational esteem.
Accessing our true nature and responding from that place in our core
What sets this course apart from traditional couples therapy?
Most therapies address power struggles, and conflict in a way that looks at tactics, and skillsets for relating, value through interest, compassion, and care in order to change negative impressions partners have for each other.
This way of problem solving is somewhat effective in helping people “get along” and go about the day to day doings in a less inflamed way. Therapists may help with strategizing what anecdotal needs are, giving directives and suggestions based on what is happening “on the surface”.

Similar to how the medical industry in our culture looks at symptoms and disease. The medical industry looks to address the “symptom” solely on the physical level, rather than looking at the body, behaviors, emotional life, and psyche and supra-soul as a whole system.

We all have a personal and family history.

The psychological / emotional learnings and patterns of interaction that we learned in our family life underly and serve as the bedrock of our current thoughts, feelings and actions.
These family patterns drive us in our relationships.

If our history includes trauma, we often feel even more driven and trapped in our present patterns of relationship.

Foundations supports you in illuminating those survival strategies, behaviors, and feelings using assisted self discovery (asd) with relational memory reconsolidating. We heal the original core wound in relationship.

Oftentimes, in relationship, parts of us are in an unconscious attempt to try to get our needs met.

That younger part, frozen in time in our body, is unknowingly sabotaging that very deep need.

It's a repeating loop. Once you both become conscious of these patterns, a much deeper conversation becomes accessible and stays accessible for the rest of your relationship. This is why clarifying your patterns is so powerful. New intimate doors of communication open.

These are powerful trauma resolution therapies. Insights from individual sessions, experiential exercises in your break out groups will be integrated through our sessions.
In foundations we are bringing presence, awareness, compassion, and healing to core survival strategies active in the unconscious will.

Whether you come single or as a couple, these deeper soul maps along with experiential applicable practice bring about healing in the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual bodies, which lead to a healthy and thriving regenerative relational ecology.

Our core trauma is relational trauma.
And as we often say, what is caused in relationship is best healed in relationship.

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